[HECnet] VAX/VMS 1.50

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Thu Apr 4 22:27:46 PDT 2013

On 04/04/2013 05:15 PM, Gregg Levine wrote:

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 5:08 PM,   <Paul_Koning at dell.com> wrote:

On Apr 4, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Cory Smelosky wrote:

On 04/04/2013 04:45 PM, hvlems wrote:
No ethernet in '79, no phase IV. So a DU11?

Hmmmm.   Does SIMH emulate that?

It doesn't look like it does.   And I don't know that VMS ever supported that device, anyway.   RSX did, but various other systems tended to stay away from it because of the high software overhead.   I do know that VMS supports DMC-11 (or DMR-11, essentially the same at the driver level), and there is support for that in the in-development release of SIMH.


What a predicament. Cory you said you'd upload it someplace to make it
available for us to do stuff with. Okay where? How big is it, and what
is the magic to convince (or confuse) SIMH for the VAX to bring it up?

http://gewt.net/vms015.dsk   It is around 14M, and I am uploading it now.   My upload is slow, so be patient. ;) Try grabbing it in about an hour or so. SYSTEM password is manager.

Disable all SIMH devices except TS and RP.   Try using git as well.

Output of SHOW CONFIG:
sim> show config
VAX 11/780 simulator configuration

CPU	idle=VMS, idle enabled, model=VAX 11/780
	8192KB, HALT to SIMH
TLB	2 units
  TLB0	8192W
  TLB1	8192W
MCTL0	nexus=1
MCTL1	nexus=2
UBA	nexus=3, autoconfiguration enabled
MBA0	nexus=8
MBA1	disabled
	256KB, not attached, write enabled
DZ	address=2013E048-2013E067*, vector=C8-E4*, lines=32
	not attached, 8b
VH	disabled
CR	disabled
LPT	address=2013FF4C-2013FF4F, vector=80
	not attached
RP	8 units
  RP0	87MW, attached to vms.dsk, write enabled
  RP1	87MW, attached to ../../software/STABACKITs/STABA030.rp6, read only, write enabled
  RP2	87MW, attached to vms015.dsk, write enabled
  RP3	87MW, not attached, write enabled
  RP4	87MW, not attached, write enabled
  RP5	87MW, not attached, write enabled
  RP6	87MW, not attached, write enabled
  RP7	87MW, not attached, write enabled
RL	disabled
HK	disabled
RQ	disabled
RQB	disabled
RQC	disabled
RQD	disabled
RY	disabled
TU	disabled
TS	address=2013F550-2013F553, vector=94
	attached to ../../software/VMS015/BB-D782B-BE_VMS1.5_JUN79.tap, read only, write enabled, SIMH format
	unlimited capacity
TQ	disabled
XU	disabled
XUB	disabled
DMC0	peer=unspecified, speed=0 (unrestricted), linemode=SECONDARY
	connectpoll=30, address=2013E038-2013E03F*, vector=C0-C4*
	not attached
DMC1	disabled
DMC2	disabled
DMC3	disabled

It looks like i'll need to poke around to find the install media for DECnet...Bitsavers lacks the DECnet manuals as well. (AA-D902A-TE, AA-D902A-T1, AA-D901A-TE, AA-D901A-T1)

Dave now you did it, the yetis are rioting.
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Experiments

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