[HECnet] klh10 on FreeBSD/SPARC64 progress

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Tue Jul 23 11:03:42 PDT 2013

On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, Cory Smelosky wrote:

Using klh10-2.0h with the same patch:

Starting KN10 at loc 0703667...
[KLH10: Illegal exec mode op, PC = 6: 0 0,0][HALTED: Exec program error?
("set cpu_exsafe=1" to continue)]

Endianness issue?

Nevermind, found the problem: change -O3 in CFLAGS to -O0 and all is good.

root at maddy:/jails/green/home/b4/marley # ./kn10-kl twonky.ini
KLH10 V2.0H (MyKL) built Jul 23 2013 09:51:19
      Copyright ? 2002 Kenneth L. Harrenstien -- All Rights Reserved.
This program comes "AS IS" with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Compiled for FREEBSD on SPARC with word model USEGCCSPARC
Emulated config:
	CPU: KL10-extend     SYS: T20     Pager: KL   APRID: 3600
	Memory: 8192 pages of 512 words   (SHARED)
	Time interval: INTRP     Base: OSGET
	Interval default: 60Hz
	Internal clock: OSINT
	Devices: DTE RH20 RPXX(DP) TM03(DP) NI20(DP)
[MEM: Allocating 8192 pages shared memory, clearing...done]

KLH10# ; KLH10 configuration for TOPS-10 test system
KLH10# ; DTE requires ackdly to avoid T10 race condition
KLH10# devdef dte0 200 dte master ackdly=5
KLH10# devdef rh0 540 rh20
KLH10# devdef rh1 544 rh20
KLH10# devdef dsk0 rh0.0 rp type=rp06 sn=4747 format=dbd9 path=T10-RP06.0-dbd9
KLH10# devdef dsk1 rh0.1 rp type=rp06 sn=1026 format=dbd9 path=T10-RP06.1-dbd9
KLH10# devdef dsk2 rh0.2 rp type=rp06 sn=3737 format=dbd9 path=T10-RP06.cust.0-dbd9
KLH10# devdef dsk3 rh0.3 rp type=rp06 sn=5858 format=dbd9 path=stag.dsk
KLH10# devdef mta0 rh1.0 tm03 type=TU77
KLH10# devdef idler 740 host
KLH10# ; NI: param "c3dly" to avoid T10 race.
KLH10# ; NI: param "rdtmo" to avoid system hangups with OSF/1 V3.0
KLH10# ;
KLH10# ; Decnet node TWONKY, 9.429
KLH10# devdef ni0 564 ni20 dedic=1 decnet=1 doarp=0 enaddr=aa:00:04:00:a:24 ifc=qfe0 dpdelay=12 c3dly=3 rdtmo=3
KLH10# load klboot.exe
Using word format "c36"...
Loaded "klboot.exe":
Format: DEC-PEXE
Data: 0, Symwds: 0, Low: 01000000, High: 0, Startaddress: 0703667
Entvec: 0 wds at 0
KLH10# [EOF on twonky.ini]
KLH10# go
Starting KN10 at loc 0703667...
BOOT V4(100)

[Loading from DSKB:MONIDL.EXE[1,4]]

Why reload: test

Options are:       OPR         PARITY   POWER     STATIC   HARDWA   NXM
                              HALT       LOOP       HUNG       PM           CM           SA
                              NEW         SCHED     OTHER
Type "HELP" for additional information
Why reload: other;test
Date: 23-JUL-2013
Time: 05:54

[dpni20: Fatal error: BIOCSETIF failed for interface "qfe0" - Device not configured]
%[DTEI: 146 (old 146!)]% [DTEI: 144 (old 146!)][DTEI: 177 (old 144!)]K[DTEI: 15 (old 177!)]LNI microcode load failed on NIA20 564
    Microprocessor check

% Bad response, try again
Startup option:

Options are:       CHANGE   DEFINE   DESTRO   DISSOL   GO           NOINIT
                              REFRES   SHOW
Type "HELP" for additional information
Startup option: go
[Rebuilding the system search list from the HOM blocks]

[Rebuilding the active swapping list from the HOM blocks]

[Rebuilding the system dump list from the HOM blocks]

MARLEY TOPS-10 MONITOR 05:54:56 CTY system 3600
Connected to Node MARLEY(0) Line CTY
.LOGIN 1,2

[CCPWFD Waiting for file daemon to start]
%%TTY STOMPER - Starting
5:55:12	-- Log file DSKB:OPERAT.LOG[3,3] renamed to DSKB:OPERAT.005[3,3]
? Invalid OPR command specified: "quit"
? : "quit"


I will investigate further later and see if I can't get it to run in a jail...at present it segfaults upon attempting to load the monitor if run in a jail.   If run outside a jail it boots fine...I still have yet to test stability.

Networking is also functional:

$ set host/app=rterm marley
%REM-I-CONNECTION, connection made using RTERM protocol
%REM-I-REMOTE, connection established to remote node MARLEY::

MARLEY TOPS-10 MONITOR 06:02:15 TTY4 system 3600
Connected to Node 9.13
Please LOGIN

.login csmelosky
[LGNLAS Last access to [400,400] succeeded on 25-May-13:21:03:33]
06:02     23-Jul-13     Tuesday
Welcome to MARLEY. A part of the gimme-sympathy.org family.

This is a simulated DECSYSTEM-10.

It is configured with:
1). Ethernet (HECnet address: 9,10)
2). 4 RP06 disks (DSKB:, TSU:, USER:, DSKA:)
3). 4096K memory

To request an account: email b4 at gewt.net or MAIL GEWT::b4.

I will later write up a blog post or something and see if -O2 will work. Amusingly enough: idling in klh10 works, too...

Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects

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