[HECnet] BLATANT PLUG: Hecnet Instant Messenger

Sampsa Laine sampsa at mac.com
Fri Mar 29 10:22:01 PDT 2013


Sorry to spam you about this but I've actually got the instant messenger / presence management stuff I wrote to a stable enough level that I'll advertise it here.

You might ask what's the point of HIM if we already have VMS PHONE? Well, with HIM you can see who is logged onto ANY machine at any time on the network, instead of just the directory of a specific host.

More details at: http://rhesus.sampsa.com/him/

OR you can just go to RHESUS::[.MEDIALIB.HIM] and grab the HIM.ZIP file.

sampsa	<sampsa at mac.com>
mobile +961 788 10537

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