[HECnet] Connected to MIM on my VT420

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Fri Mar 29 22:33:26 PDT 2013

On 30 Mar 2013, at 01:23, "Mark Benson" <md.benson at gmail.com> wrote:

On 29 Mar 2013, at 23:29, Cory Smelosky wrote:

Not extremely interesting   all of you have probably seen this a million times before on your own gear. ;)

But!   I brought up a SIMH instance on my Raspberry PI, connected the console to my USB to serial adapter, and used it to connect to MIM using my VT420. ;)   I'll eventually use a DECserver   but for now this is what I have. ;)

http://gewt.net/pics/vt420-mim.jpg (apologies about the picture quality   can't quite keep my damn hands perfectly steady)

(also, my connection to MIM keeps dropping   I need to figure out what the cause is)

To me that's the pinnacle of emulation. Connecting REAL peripherals to an emulator to get close to the REAL experience. I did a bit of testing of Mark Pizz's serial port code for terminals against my VT510 just because I wanted to be able to do real, direct serial terminal work against an emulated VAX or PDP-11 and so I made sure it was tested some so it got into 4.0. There's something rewarding about rattling away on a VT510 talking to a tiny board that draws a lot less power than the VT. :)

It is indeed rewarding. :)

The RaspberryPi is great for lower-end VAX and PDP-11 emulation. It only musters about 1-2VUPs at best running the uVAX 3900 so isn't a huge deal faster than the early 11/7xx series machines. Still my Area router is a rev. 1 Raspberry Pi running raspbian and SimH. It's been running 24/7 for almost a year :)

It most definitely is.   I chose VMS 5.2 for a reason. ;)

mark at raspi1:~$ uptime
03:46:15 up 54 days,   5:29,   1 user,   load average: 0.23, 0.17, 0.14

We get occasional power outages (hence the short uptime) and I never got around to buying a UPS (if my computer stack goes off I just grab a torch and read a book and wait for the power to come back :P).

How long are the outages usually?   (I have some UPSes and some generators.   Basement floods if power is out too long)

I have 2 more RasPi's in the 5.25" bays of a 2U unit now too, one that will be running as a PDP-11/93 and one that will run as a VAX 11/780. They share the 2U with a Atom D410MO motherboard that will run my VAX work machine (it's about 20x faster than a RasPi). The thing is jury-rigged so the Pis run of the 5V line on the ATX PSU via a Molex. It has a GBit hub inside and 2 NICs on the Atom board (alas only 10/100) that are bridged so it only needs 1 ethernet port to attach the whole box. It's neat and save for some soldering, I built it myself. I originally built it for hosting a VAXcluster but I really have no use for one.

That is an awesome setup.


Oh, incidentally, Gregg, the Optiplex is probably round that way so it keeps him warm at his desk.

If that were a desk, that would be true. ;)

I have an ancient (well 2004-ish) P4 3.0 HT that I use for Windows XP 32-bit now I'm on Win 7 64-bit (I have legacy hardware devices that don't have any 64-bit drivers). It's a Dell Dimension 4600 motherboard that's been reboxed with a new case and PSU with a cute ducted cooling fan for the P4 made of plasti-card, duct tape tape and a 120mm fan. Which reminds me, I must put Pathworks32 on it this week :)

Personally, i'd run NT 4 on a P4 (shame it doesn't seem to like HT P4s   ).   I prefer it to XP. ;)


Mark Benson

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