[HECnet] Another sillyness. More information in the nodename database on MIM.

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Thu May 16 17:28:34 PDT 2013

This is a totally volontary thing. I've finally come to the point where I think that there are a few more pieces of data on nodes that would be nice/useful to have from time to time.
So I've extended the nodename database on MIM for this.

The fields that I have added are CPU, OS and location. You can see an example of values by going to http://madame.update.uu.se/~bqt/hecnet?node=mim

So, feel free to submit data to me for nodes you know. Or look up information. Or suggest interfaces that you'd like to get to extract this information, and I'll try and comply. :-)


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