[HECnet] Reviving the DECnet on TOPS-10 project

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Tue May 14 02:32:58 PDT 2013

On Mon, 13 May 2013, G. wrote:

On Tue, 14 May 2013 00:27:49 +0200, you wrote:

Well, here are the symbols:

  M.SNAM is the system name (apparently not related to DECnet)
  M.DNAM is the DECnet node name
  M.LNAM is te LAT (default?) service name
  M.DHOM is the DECnet area number (octal!)
  M.DNUM is the DECnet node number (octal!)

Beware: the names are SIXBIT strings, so you must discover how to input SIXBIT
vaules with FILDDT (I have no idea, probably it's something like <ESC>letter).

Correction/update: the above symbols are only used during MONGEN, but then are
equated to other ones inside the monitor sources. These are the equivalences:

  STANAM is the system name (apparently not related to DECnet)
  DCNNAM is the DECnet node name
  LATNAM is te LAT (default?) service name
  DCNHOM is the DECnet area number (octal!)
  DCNNUM is the DECnet node number (octal!)


I have made progress! (I think)

[Loading from DSKB:SYSTEM.EXE[1,4]]

MARLEY TOPS-10 13-May-13
Why reload: new

It does however stall there...

Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net/ Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Experiments

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