[HECnet] Reviving the DECnet on TOPS-10 project

G. gerry77 at mail.com
Tue May 14 00:07:50 PDT 2013

On Mon, 13 May 2013 22:45:50 -0000, you wrote:

This one for DECnet (7.04 version, the latest available):

BB-X116D-BB     Identified as "DECNET-10 V4.0 SUP 16MT9 1989"

I thought that was only a supplemental tape that isn't particularly useful?

Ah yes, now I remember everything: starting from some version I do not know
(maybe just 7.04), DECnet binaries were bundled with CUSP tapes, and sources
with Monitor tapes (see 704.BWR in the latter). The BB-X116D-BB tape is there
just because it contains the key files needed to decrypt DECnet patches.
Anything else in that tape is only for front-end DECnet support (DDCMP etc.).

It contains NML.EXE too, which anyway will be replaced when installing TSUs,
but until you patch TOPS-10, you'll need NML.EXE from the above tape.

G. :)

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