[HECnet] Console terminal switch and/or reverse terminal server suggestion?

Gregg Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
Tue May 14 20:03:50 PDT 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 1:49 PM, Cory Smelosky <b4 at gewt.net> wrote:

On Tue, 14 May 2013, Gregg Levine wrote:

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Cory Smelosky <b4 at gewt.net> wrote:

On Tue, 14 May 2013, Bob Armstrong wrote:

Johnny Billquist wrote:
But any terminal server can also setup a service.

Fred wrote:
Created services on the DECServer that allow me to connect to the

of any host from any other host.

I didn't think a DECserver could do this (or at least not an old,
one like a 100 or 200).   You guys are saying it can?

I've done it fine on my DECserver 200/MC.   She's smarter than you think.

I'll go dust off an old DECserver and plug it in, and then I'll give it


Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net/ Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Experiments

I'll say. I have a collection of 90L-Pluses here. Getting them to work
is an interesting problem. I'm basically trying to find the rack that
they use to enable a more normal Ethernet connection to them, but it's
slow going.

If you have a collection, i'll take one! ;)

Also, did you ever get those SCSI controllers to work?

Dave don't do that. Stop staring. **Sounds of explosions are heard as
something outside his building explodes covering the windows in green
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net/ Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Experiments

Ran out of time for trying them out. I've poked the appropriate amount
of time back into my schedule. So it'll be sooner. As for the numbers,
only three of them.
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

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