[HECnet] SSD for Vax

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Thu Oct 10 18:54:15 PDT 2013

On Thu, 10 Oct 2013, Sampsa Laine wrote:

For comparison the provider I use:

"Welcome - TortoiseLabs"   (They are steady, but not exactly slow.)

My slogan is 'WELCOME TO SAMPSACOM - We like naming things after monkeys'

You also have that WELCOME.TXT on CHIMPY:: mentioning timesharing on a babbage engine.

I have limited the number of systems I have due to using a small pool: female names starting with M.

(From the normal: madeline, to the odd: meaghan (people joke about the spelling all the time), to the weird suggestions by friends: mcguyverina)

I know bonerhitler is an exception, along with green and sprinkles.


Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects

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