[HECnet] FDDI advice

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Thu Oct 10 18:30:25 PDT 2013

On 10/10/2013 01:23 PM, Brian Hechinger wrote:
Interviewer: "I remember have an account on a pair of 4000/500s in a
cluster when I was at Villanova years ago."
Me: "Those machines are at my house now!"
Interviewer: "NO WAY!"

  That's cool. :-)

It was. I don't remember why I don't work there though. I don't remember
exactly, but I seem to remember them not wanting to pay me enough. :)

  That would be a problem, yes.

  Well, let me know when you're able to.   Even if you can't move it all
down there, if you can just come up by car, you and I can head over
there with a truck, and the stuff (even yours) can sit here for awhile.
At least then it won't be in a barn, and won't be at risk in any way.
We could probably do it over a weekend trip, even on a liesurely schedule.

Yeah, that's definitely something we should do. There's no way I can
move the majority of that stuff down here. A lot of it I'll just never
run and so will likely put up to be given away.

  Sounds good.   It can sit here in the meantime, if you want.

Still, it won't be until at least early next year that I can even
consider this. Time and money are both really tight right now.

  I understand.   My primary concern is to get the gear out of a barn
environment, and away from any possible danger of tossage.   If there's
any real risk there, please let me know, and we'll figure something out.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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