[HECnet] FDDI advice

Brian Hechinger wonko at 4amlunch.net
Thu Oct 10 18:23:37 PDT 2013

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 01:10:48PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 10/10/2013 12:55 PM, Brian Hechinger wrote:
All this talk of FDDI makes me want to go get the 4000/500s. I have a
pair of QBus FDDI cards. I suppose I would have to make the Octane a
router between FDDI and ethernet. :)

  Are any of those 4000/500s mine? ;)

Nope. I picked these up from Villanova University several years ago.

I was interviewing at a place recently and the subject of VAXen came up.

Interviewer: "I remember have an account on a pair of 4000/500s in a
cluster when I was at Villanova years ago."
Me: "Those machines are at my house now!"
Interviewer: "NO WAY!"

  That's cool. :-)

It was. I don't remember why I don't work there though. I don't remember
exactly, but I seem to remember them not wanting to pay me enough. :)

I had quite a few machines up
here in your old place at one point.   Don't worry, I'd only be after one
of them, and even that is low-priority at this point.

Going and rescuing all that stuff is something I really want to do one
day. Not anytime soon though. :(

  Well, let me know when you're able to.   Even if you can't move it all
down there, if you can just come up by car, you and I can head over
there with a truck, and the stuff (even yours) can sit here for awhile.
At least then it won't be in a barn, and won't be at risk in any way.
We could probably do it over a weekend trip, even on a liesurely schedule.

Yeah, that's definitely something we should do. There's no way I can
move the majority of that stuff down here. A lot of it I'll just never
run and so will likely put up to be given away.

Still, it won't be until at least early next year that I can even
consider this. Time and money are both really tight right now.


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