[HECnet] VT-62?

Paul_Koning at Dell.com Paul_Koning at Dell.com
Thu Oct 3 16:40:32 PDT 2013

On Sep 27, 2013, at 9:31 PM, Lee Gleason <lee.gleason at comcast.net> wrote:

Back in the day, in a galaxy far far away, I was system manager of a site that used TMS-11, a DEC product for newspaper/graphics arts production.

Among a lot of other DEC gear most people have never heard of, we used VT/61 and VT/62 terminals.

Not quite.   TMS-11 used VT61/t and VT71 terminals.   The VT61/t is a specialized block editing terminal in a VT52 enclosure, but with a whole pile of circuit boards full of stuff.   (All single sided boards, and about 1000 jumpers to make up for that silliness.)

A VT71 is an LSI-11 based local editing terminal -- the host would send the entire document to it, you'd edit it locally (very nice fast response editor) and send back the result.

TMS-11 never used a VT62.   They were built for TRAX, the most spectacular failure in DEC's history.   (From release to retirement was a week or two.)

TMS-11 was the first DEC group I worked for -- travelling fixer for that team.   Very neat job for a guy just out of college.

I wonder if I met you, Lee.   I worked in that job from 1978 to 1980.   If you had any on-site software repair done, that would have been me.


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