[HECnet] Latest version of VWS

Cory Smelosky b4 at gewt.net
Tue Jun 10 19:41:11 PDT 2014

On Tue, 10 Jun 2014, Dave McGuire wrote:

On 06/10/2014 02:32 PM, Cory Smelosky wrote:
What's the latest version of VWS/the workstation stuff?   I've heard
DECwindows is a bit heavy for a VS2000. ;)

DECwindows is fine on a VS2000, FYI.   (been there, done that...for YEARS)

Ahh,   Okay!

I need to fix these before I can shove it on the cluster node, though. ;)

%DECW-W-BADVALUE, Free GBLPAGES is 11620, should be at least 30000
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGFIL is 1024, should be at least 6024
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT is 127, should be at least 255
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_DPGFLQUOTA is 16400, should be at least 32768
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MASTLM is 4, should be at least 100
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MBIOLM is 4, should be at least 100
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MDIOLM is 4, should be at least 100
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MPRCLM is 0, should be at least 8
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MFILLM is 2, should be at least 100
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MBYTLM is 1024, should be at least 48000
%DECW-W-BADVALUE, SYSGEN parameter PQL_MENQLM is 30, should be at least 200


Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects

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