[HECnet] VAXstation 4000/60 parameter RAM?

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
Thu Aug 27 12:03:28 PDT 2015

> El 27/08/2015, a les 20:53, Hans Vlems <hvlems at zonnet.nl> va escriure:
> Did it remember ‎its bootdevice? If not then the battery is probably  gone. It may be replaced, but I've never taken the trouble.
> It did boot, right?
> Hans

The battery can’t be replaced by itself, since it is embedded in the TOY chip, which is a DS1287A. That chip is not made anymore, but there is a drop-in replacement (Maxim DS12887A) which can be obtained quite easyly. The datasheet is this one:


Alternatively, it is posible to plug in another battery to the dead DS1287A:


I try to do it and failed, so I got some 12887 to keep my 4000’ running.

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