[HECnet] vaxima

Jerome Ibanes jibanes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 09:01:35 PDT 2016


I'm looking for Vaxima, if someone has preserved a copy of it, it is
best described as such (if you don't know Vaxima):

MACSYMA (Project MAC's SYmbolic MAnipulation System) is a large
computer algebra system for symbolic and numerical computations.
Originally MACSYMA was developed by the MATH lab group at M.I.T. The
descendants of MACSYMA (circa 1982) fall into two camps, viz., the
commercialized Symbolics MACSYMA and its successor from Macsyma, Inc.,
and the versions released to National Energy Software Center at
Argonne, Illinois, which are based on the "public" MIT source code for
the DEC PDP-10 MACLisp system. The latter ones do not have the
Symbolics enhancements, but they have been modified from time to time
by several individuals or groups. One of these modifications is known
as VAXIMA. It is an implementation around 1980 on DEC-Vaxes by R.
Fateman at the University of California at Berkeley. It uses VAX/UNIX
Franz Lisp and runs on some Franz-Lisp hosts.


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