[HECnet] Looking for VAX 8600 Diagnostic Supervisor (EDSAA.EXE)

pechter at gmail.com pechter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:18:35 PDT 2016

The diagnostic supervisor was the same on all three in 1991 when I last ran it.   Only difference was console media type. 

You could build media with the Vaxpax tape and Exchange or flx... You sure you aren't talking micro diags? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Pizzolato <Mark at infocomm.com>
To: "hecnet at Update.UU.SE" <hecnet at Update.UU.SE>
Cc: "simh at trailing-edge.com" <simh at trailing-edge.com>
Sent: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 2:11 PM
Subject: [HECnet] Looking for VAX 8600 Diagnostic Supervisor (EDSAA.EXE)

I've been working on rewriting parts of the VAX simulator(s) to avoid some of the undefined behaviors that the C language has relating to overflow and shifts of signed integer values.

Changing the details of how instructions are implemented comes with the non trivial potential to break more things than are being fixed.  To manage this, I've been trying to use the basic CPU diagnostics that DEC for the systems being simulated.  I have found the VAX Diagnostic Supervisor for the 11/730, 11/750 and 11/.780.  I'm missing the VAX 8600's diagnostic supervisor.

If someone knows where I can find a version of this file it would be helpful.


- Mark

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