[HECnet] Announcing TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS

Boyanich, Alastair Alastair.Boyanich at au.fujitsu.com
Sun Apr 30 17:30:50 PDT 2017

Nice one! This'll be fun to try.

Thanks for the efforts Johnny.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE [mailto:owner-hecnet at Update.UU.SE] On Behalf Of Johnny Billquist
Sent: Monday, 1 May 2017 3:14 AM
To: hecnet at Update.UU.SE; Info-PDP11 at dbit.com; SIMH <simh at trailing-edge.com>
Subject: [HECnet] Announcing TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS

Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.

This release contains a lot of fixes and improvements in many areas. I really encourage people to upgrade, as some of these changes can have a noticeable impact on performance, and in some cases, stability.


A new name resolver is provided, with better functionality, and better stability.
A mail daemon is provided, which can handle mail both on TCP/IP, DECnet and local.

Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:

- Improved handling of TCP FIN packets.
- Improved TCP probe handling, including a bug fix where sequence numbers in packets could become wrong when probing.
- Improved handling of repeated ACK messages in TCP, which cause immediate retransmits.
- Added TCP slow start algorithm () had not though I would need this, but it turned out that under some circumstances, it really helps).
- Added handling of ICMP source quench messages.
- Added ability to set specific timeouts on individual receives from TCP.
- Changed handling in TCP for daemons, so that both queue depth and actual running copies are checked to adhere to the limits set for daemons. This makes TCP daemons properly manage potential DOS attacks.
- Bugfixes in TCP. If task activation failed for some reason, resources were not cleared up properly.

- Improved handling in FTP for existing files, which can now be chosen to be superseded or not.
- Improved FTP MPUT command to not abort on errors.

- Improved FTP daemon Unix-style directory listings.

- Improved error handling in HTTP daemon.
- Improved logging in HTTP daemon.
- Added handling of Accept-field in HTTP requests.
- Added handling of options spanning multiple lines in HTTP.
- Removed binary log file in HTTP daemon.

- Bugfix in TELNET daemon. Under some circumstances, TELNETD could stop transmitting data.

- Improved handling of no responses in NTP client.

- Improved DECnet-over-IP links to get better performance.

- Added handling of various text attributes in IRC.

Name resolver:
- New name resolver, with improved functionality, better error handling, and the ability to abort outstanding requests. Name resolved can now also resolve other type of queries, such as MX records.

- Added MAILD

- Bugfixes in PDP-11C inet library. Some definitions were wrong.
- Updated quad-time functions with new functionality (affects both
MACRO-11 and all high level languages).

As usual, the distribution is available from:

The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at

The firewall for Mim have now been removed, so no need for the alternate
ports, but Mim is still listening to the alternate ports as well.
ftp: 10021
telnet: 10023


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                      ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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