[HECnet] Thrashing about...

Clem Cole clemc at ccc.com
Sun Jul 15 15:43:52 PDT 2018

On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net> wrote:

> Algol68-RS?  That's not familiar.  I don't remember Algol 68 from DEC.

​I don't remember TLG doing Algol68.  I'll should see Leslie or one the old
TLG managers next week at the weekly lunch and I'll ask.​

>   Could it have been done by some university?  "RS" doesn't suggest
> anything in particular.
​RS -- I think means 'Royal Society' - the Brits did a couple of Algol68s
and I seems to remember one for the Vax kicking around, but I neer used it.

> I know that CMU did an Algol 68 implementation, but that was for the
> PDP11.

I believe that was Peter Hibbard's A68 compiler written BLISS-11 that he
started at Liverpool and finished at CMU.   Generated code for Hydra and
UNIX (and maybe StarOS - I forget), although I think someone in Canada
moved it to RSX-11​.  Problem was it compiled on the PDP-10, so it was
never self hosting because BLISS-11 required a PDP-10.  I might have a v6
binary for it

​a tape somewhere.  IIRC the binary I had ran on the 11/40e so would not
work on the 11/34 as it used the CMU csv/cret instructions.


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