[HECnet] Multinet alternatives ...

Robert Armstrong bob at jfcl.com
Tue Feb 25 06:42:23 PST 2020

   What are the alternatives for bridging DECnet systems across the Internet
that don't require any special hardware and can be self hosted on


  I'm aware of Paul's Python router, but I didn't think it ran on a VAX.  Am
I wrong about that?  Is there a Python for OpenVMS/VAX?  I believe there's a
port for AXP but I didn't know about one for VAX.


  And I saw Rob mentioned his user mode DECnet router.  Same questions -
what environment does that require?   And I saw mention it being both
Multinet and simh DDCMp compatible - will it talk to a simh KS10/TOPS10/DMR



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