[HECnet] SIMH experience?

Fred fcoffey at misernet.net
Wed Feb 26 05:03:08 PST 2020

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020, Johnny Billquist wrote:

> Fred, in general I do not think circuits should be flapping.
> So feel free to give some more details, and maybe we can help figure out what 
> the problem is...

I agree.

Yesterday, I upgraded from SIMH 3.11 to 4(mumble) that is available on 
github.  The local adjancencies between MISER, FRUGAL, and CHEAP are no 
longer flapping and there have only been a handful of Multinet links going 
up and down since 16:53 Eastern time yesterday.  None since 21:53 local 
time.   So, I'd say that's "better" but not ideal.

Previously, the operator.log on VMS was "full" of flap messages, to both 
Multinet links and local adjacencies.

I'm open to share more details as needed.  What would you like to know?

I know that due to my own doing there are multiple layers at play here 
(Linux, VirtualBox Linux VM, *then* SIMH) but that's more for my 
convenience for ease of management and to not pollute the underlying 
physical Linux host.


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