[HECnet] VMS on AlphaServer 5000

Kari Uusimäki uusimaki at exdecfinland.org
Thu Oct 8 06:31:09 PDT 2020

Hello Keith,
Indeed, there is a way to make the white Alphaservers run VMS.The difference is minimal between the servers themselves, but sometimes the adapters and peripherals could be different in the white Alphas and don't work with VMS. Therefore you should check which adapters there are in the box. Examples of not working ones are Adaptec SCSI-adapters and various Graphics adapters. You need to enable the SRM firmware instead of the AlphaBIOS and then create a short script which is run at boot time.If you want to do it I can send you the detailed instructions.Kari

-------- Original message --------
From: Keith Halewood <Keith.Halewood at pitbulluk.org> 
Date: 10/8/20  14:00  (GMT+02:00) 
To: hecnet at Update.UU.SE 
Subject: [HECnet] VMS on AlphaServer 5000 

I’ve trawled through HECnet emails for enlightenment around alpha systems running VMS and I believe I’m not repeating the question. So here goes.
There’s an DEC Alphaserver 5000 (white case) (EV56) floating a few miles away from where I live. It’s running NT, so there’s an AlphaBIOS. Is there a ‘hidden’ SRM in that machine and therefore is it able to run current (HPE at least) versions
 of VMS? I don’t want to end up with a machine running NT – my life has enough horror in it already. I had a look on HP’s FTP site at firmware updates and the Alphaserver 5000 isn’t even mentioned, or at least not in plain text.
I nearly bought a reasonably loaded Itanic RX2600 a few days ago but chickened out at the last minute. What I really should do is abandon all of this and buy a new motorbike.

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