[HECnet] Decnet8: Who has any knowledge about this product and has seen it actually working in whatever versions?

Paul Koning paulkoning at comcast.net
Mon Oct 19 14:26:50 PDT 2020

> On Oct 19, 2020, at 5:01 PM, R. Voorhorst <R.Voorhorst at swabhawat.com> wrote:
> L.S.
> Currently I am finishing testing for the release of the last member of the Pdp8 series computers: Simh Pdp8a with some new devices (and some from old not present in Ppd8).
> Current state of affairs is, that it is running Os8 V3S 128k monitor and the Kt8 diagnostics and is stable. 
> Also F4 runs and basic Rts8 V2b and V3.
> The last hurdle is to activate Decnet8 as the last test station to really load a Pdp8 with some realistic real time work.


> ... 
> And there are a lot more things going on. So the bottom question remains: has anyone seen the internet versions working or is there a clobber up between an advanced laboratory (Phase-II??) version as documented (look at the Ddcmp versions) and a preleased or prior old Decnet version. And if so, can anything be retrieved or is it lost forever.

I can't help with your detailed questions.  But in case it wasn't well known: yes, I believe DECnet/8 is Phase II.  That means you need either a Phase II, or Phase III DECnet product to talk to it, or you need PyDECnet.  That's Phase IV but unlike the normal case, it supports all the way back to Phase II.

It also has detailed packet tracing, so you might find it a useful peer to use for debugging your DECnet/8 system.  For example, if DDCMP is giving you trouble you should be able to see what you're receiving from the DECnet/8 system.


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