[HECnet] Announcing RPM, a software packet manager for RSX-11M-PLUS

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Sat Oct 24 10:40:13 PDT 2020

RPM is a packet manager for RSX (it has nothing to do with the Red Hat 
Packet Manager, except the name).

I don't post regularly about this software, nor about updates to the 
list of available packages, but enough work have been done, and a long 
enough time have passed since the initial announcement that an update 
can be useful for various people.

Since the initial release of RPM, a lot of improvements have been done 
to it, and a lot of packages have been updated or added. For anyone 
running RSX-11M-PLUS, I would really recommend installing RPM, and using 
it to get the latest version of various software.

For information on how to install and use it, see 

The current list of packages:

In  Pkg        Ver     Desc
  --  ---        ---     ----
      RPM        Y0.27   The RSX Packet Manager
      MKE        V1.31   The Unix-like make tool
      TCPIP      V2.5    TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS
      C          000012  PDP-11 C compiler
      CRTL       V1.2    PDP-11 C runtime library
      F77        T5.4    FORTRAN-77 compiler
      F77RTL     V5.4    FORTRAN-77 runtime library
      BP2        V2.7C   BASIC+2 compiler and interactive environment
      BP2RTL     V2.7C   BASIC-PLUS-2 runtime library
      C81        V3.1    COBOL-81 compiler
      C81RTL     V3.1    COBOL-81 runtime library
      BCPL       BCPL04  The DECUS BCPL compiler
      FORTH      V1.3.3  FORTH language for RSX-11M-PLUS
      SORT       V3.0    SORT/MERGE for RSX
      DBG        T2.2.1  PDP-11 Symbolic Debugger
      DTR        V03.03  DATATRIEVE-11 for RSX
      FMS        V02.2   FMS-11 for RSX
      NEMA       Y0.32   The small portable Emacs-compatible editor
      TECO       V40.00  The Text Editor and COrrector (and language)
      TIN        V1.7    Task INformation tool
      ATT        V01     File attribute manipulation tool
      GREP       000007  Tool to search through text files
      MORE       2.17    Interactive text file viewer (VTL)
      NTAIL      X0.2    Text file tail printout
      ERR        X0.2    Display error messages based on codes
      USH        X0.2    Unix shell like pipes
      KERMIT     T3.63   The KERMIT file transfer program
      RNO        2000.1  The BONNER Lab RUNOFF document processor
      SRD        6.9.2   The DECUS directory maintenance tool
      COD        V1.5    File encoder/decoder
      SWATCH     V01.01  Stop watch for commands
      SYM        V1.1    Examine symbols in OBJ and STB files
      VTL        V01.0   Virtual Terminal Log utility
      ORCAM      V01.7   Object file disassembler
      DOB        V2.2    Object file disassembler
      CLEACD     V7.12   The Command Line Editor ACD
      CCL        V9.3    User configurable Command Line Interpreter
      CURSES     X0.1    A Unix compatible curses library for PDP-11 C
      ZEMU       V1.24   The Z-machine emulator
      DUNGEON    V3.2C   The classic dungeon
      ADVENT     03MAR   The classic adventure game
      MILLE      V1.5    The Mille Bournes card game

Yes, this now includes various layered software from DEC, prebuilt for 
M+ I/D systems. I have lots of more software that I intend to add, but 
this is already starting to become a significant list.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                   ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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