[HECnet] PyDECnet 1.0-556

Robert Armstrong bob at jfcl.com
Sat Sep 5 09:13:24 PDT 2020

  As far as the pyDECnet distribution mechanism goes, my preference would be to distribute the .tar.gz files that can be installed directly with pip3.  I have no need for the rest of the development tree, except for the documentation.  That could be in a separate zip file, or maybe on a web page somewhere.  As for distributing the .tar.gz files, it doesn't really matter - ftp, http, anything I can grab with wget is fine.

  When it comes to the git vs svn debate, I'd vote for subversion, but that's just because I've used it a lot more.  I know how to say "git clone ..." too, and since I'm not planning to make any modifications to pyDECnet that’s really all I need.


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