[HECnet] Oldest VAX/VMS for VAX-11/730 on HECNET

Supratim Sanyal supratim at riseup.net
Wed Dec 8 23:18:15 PST 2021

On 12/9/21 1:57 AM, Mark J. Blair wrote:
> Finally, I tried VMS 4.7, and it seems to talk to my other nodes just fine. Yay! So I guess the answer to my original question is something newer than 4.0, and no older than 4.7. Now I have node PUGGLE:: up and running on HECNET with VMS v4.7.

Looks like it. The lowest I could go so far is 31.31 (XLIV) @ 4.4. We 
should try 3.4+ with the key sometime.

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