[HECnet] Connecting an HP Itanium BL860c to HECNET... without ethernet

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Fri Dec 10 17:40:10 PST 2021

On 12/10/21 7:08 PM, Thomas DeBellis wrote:
> Those names almost sound like they want to be familiar, but not quite.  
> What I recall for a DN20 was that, in terms of communication, MCB only 
> had two speeds.
>   * A 'fast' interface could do 56 KBid, synchronous.  I /think/ that
>     part was called a "KMC".  It may have had some sort of embedded
>     microprocessor on it, but I don't recall what kind of operations it
>     performed.

   That's the KMC-11, and it does indeed have a processor on it.  It can 
do all sorts of protocol processing, very flexibly.

   It's a weird connection to have, but I was romantically involved with 
the daughter of the designer of that board for a while, and have been 
friends with him just about forever.

   He gave most of his personal DEC hardware to me many years ago, and 
it's at LSSM now.  He's based in Maryland.

   He's still very much around and still loves DEC stuff; I should talk 
him into joining us here.


Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA

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