[HECnet] DECnet-VAX V3.0, VMS V3.5 (Was Re: Oldest VAX/VMS for VAX-11/730 on HECNET) --> retract

Mark J. Blair nf6x at nf6x.net
Thu Dec 16 11:07:32 PST 2021

> On Dec 16, 2021, at 10:52 AM, Supratim Sanyal <supratim at riseup.net> wrote:
> BTW, the "BE-X083A-BE - DECNET-VAX FULL FUNCTION" thing is not a tape; after failing  to mount  it as a tape numerous times, a  "od -a" dump looked like a disk to me, and guess  what,  it  mounted  as  a RD54.

Based on the size of 256k, I assume it is probably an image of a TU58 DECTAPE-II tape... which is a (slow) random-access block-oriented device, commonly with an RT-11 filesystem on it. The .tap extension is misleading because it implies that it is a 9-track magtape image in SIMH tape format. It really is a tape, but one that looks like a slow disk drive to the operating system.

If that license came from a TU58, then I would guess that it was originally media for a VAX-11/750 or VAX-11/730?

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>

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