[HECnet] DECnet/m+

Mark Matlock mark at matlockfamily.com
Wed Dec 22 10:35:38 PST 2021

   You could also download ftp://ftp.trailing-edge.com/pub//rsx_dists/rsx11mpbl87.dsk.bz2 which is
a baseline RSX11M+ V4.6 disk image ready for a SYSGEN from [200,200] It also has DECnet V4.6 already in [137,10] for a NETgen. This DECnet distribution only generates endnotes however and you may want to get an
area routing DECnet distribution from MIM.

   Also a RSX11M+ V4.6 with DECnet (for Unibus systems) and a very old version of Johnny’s BQTCP/IP is available at:


   It has area routing DECnet running but you would really need to update the TCP/IP but you can FTP
that from Mim.update.uu.se and get Johnny’s latest version.


> On Dec 22, 2021, at 12:14 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Dec 22, 2021, at 1:07 PM, Johnny Billquist <bqt at softjar.se> wrote:
>> Hi, Paul. Sorry I didn't answer earlier. Saw some other mails I should have responded too as well, but been a bit busy.
>> Anyway. 4.0 is way old and have various issues you do not want or need. Locate M+ 4.6 instead. That's basically the only version I'd recommend.
>> And yes, M+ is definitely easier to deal with than 11M.
>> You can find both tapes at http://bitsavers.org/bits/DEC/pdp11/magtapes/rsx11mplus/
>> Basically you want BB-J0830-01.L01_RSX11M+_V4.6_BRU_1999.tap, which should be bootable, and contain all you need for M+ itself. There is a second tape (BB-J0830-01.M01_RSX11M+_V4.6_1999.tap), which might be the second tape if the whole thing came on two tapes. (I got M+ 4.6 on TK50, which just came on a single cartridge.)
>> Then you want DECnet, which is decnet11mp46-netkit.tap. The manuals are online, but of course you can also just ask. And since you seem to have already managed once, it should hopefully not be too complicated.
> I used the DECnet 4.0 kit because I could not make sense out of that 4.6 kit.  The installation procedure in the manual (DECnet/RSX 4.5, which says it's for M+ 4.3) doesn't work at all with that tape.  It says to use FLX to copy PREGEN.CMD from the tape, but the tape isn't anything FLX understands.  Instead, it seems to be an ANSI labeled tape with 3 files on it, the first one named "INSTALL".  Is that a BRU tape?  Or a DSC tape?  What do I do with it?
> 	paul

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