[HECnet] ANF10 network --> Anf10 KL<>KS + DN200 --> DN200/DN20 parameters

Robert Armstrong bob at jfcl.com
Tue Nov 16 16:28:12 PST 2021

>Ad se can have an  "infinite number" of virtual dn200's 
>to link the systems together, this might be the best thing
>for a HECanf10 before Paul writes a perl version -:)

  Given then number of active TOPS10 systems that we currently have, one DN200 will be enough...

  That's not counting Reindert's nodes, who seems to have more than the rest of us combined!

  BTW, what's the difference between a DN82 and a DN200?   The ANF10 manual says they're both standalone RJEs/concentrators (i.e. no DTE and no DL10).   The DN82 supposedly supports more synchronous lines, but apparently the DN200 can be similarly extended.


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