The Women - Michael Gerber

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Dec 16 08:58:35 PST 2014

The Women

In morning, the four women sit at the café 
year after year 
telling their stories,
eating salads and cakes with tea 
and hopeful conversation. 

they raised children, 
rescued languorous marriages
or did not. 

they planned weddings, 
welcomed grandchildren, 
packed their lifetimes
into sturdy boxes 
and downsized their expectations 
in brightly colored tops. 

At that table in the cafe, together,
they sacrificed and suffered and celebrated
each lightly hued day. 

In mourning, the three women sit at the cafe
year after year 
retelling stories,
eating salads and cakes with tea 
and wistful conversation. 

they recalled dates,
rescued their children's marriages
or did not. 

they planned outings, 
welcomed grandchildren, 
packed their lifetimes
into well used boxes 
and planned for their exercising 
in newly greying shoes. 

At that table in the cafe, together,
they suffered with sighs and surrendered
each unlikely day.  

	- Michael Gerber 

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