God As Magician - Robert Watson

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Fri Apr 24 07:42:36 PDT 2015

God As Magician

He yanks a whole spring out of his top hat
Of night: warm air, leaves, violets, daffodils.
Or maybe wraps up the town in ice.

His wand moves and children tumble from wombs.
Or he makes things disappear, say grandfathers
And snow, entire cities under volcanoes . . .

He palmed the universe out of his sleeve
Like a grenade, exploding it “bang,”
A giant Fourth of July rocket. Behold,

Our earth, the heavens, the beautiful debris
Still soaring beyond telescopes, beyond . . .
It beats me. You flew, a bouquet from his wand

To me as I flew. I love you, I say
Before he tucks us with his wand away.

	- Robert Watson
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