Ceremony for Lands Wounded By Drought - Saturday, June 20, 10 am to 1 pm - Sebastopol

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Sun Jun 14 07:42:02 PDT 2015

Ceremony for Lands Wounded By Drought

Saturday, June 20, 10 am to 1 pm 

Laguna de Santa Rosa (walking directions to site below)

Offered Free as a Gift to the Community

Opening Poem by Larry Robinson

Please Share with Others You Feel May be Interested

Please bring:
Sunhat or umbrella for shade
Water in a container to use as part of the ceremony
If you like, a hand made offering created from natural materials to leave at the ceremony site

Join in co-creating a Ceremony for Lands Wounded by Drought as part of the Sixth Annual Global Earth Exchange, offered by Radical Joy for Hard Times (www.radicaljoyforhardtimes.org), a worldwide community of people founded on the belief that creating a sustainable, thriving future on Earth depends upon opening our hearts to the natural world in its brokenness as well as its splendor.

On June 20, as in previous years, people from all seven continents will offer acts of beauty to wounded places – from Fairhope Alaska, La Paz, Bolivia, Cape Town, South Africa, Belfast, Ireland to Sonoma County. For the fourth year in a row, we will gather at the Laguna, the largest freshwater wetlands complex on the northern California Coast.

This year, as California is gripped by an epic drought, we will gather to offer back to the land. Holding the question of the part played by human created climate change in the scope of this drought, we will open a space to share our feelings, grow connections among each other and with our Earth, and make offerings to the land from the depth of our hearts.

After the ceremony, your are welcome to stay for an informal conversation about ways we can offer back to the land in this time of drought.

Walking Directions to the Ceremony Site:

Park in the Sebastopol Community Center parking lot.
At the South end of this parking lot is the entrance to the wetlands preserve. 
Walk a short distance down the trail to site #10, across from the playground.
Cross the summer bridge at site #10. 
Look for us in the meadow on the other side of the summer bridge.
There will be signs along the route pointing the way.

For questions, more information or to let us know you are coming, contact:

Dianne Monroe
dianne at diannemonroe.com

Dianne Monroe is Life Mentor, Facilitator and Inner Wilderness Guide with over 20 years experience creating and offering experiential and transformational programs and workshops. She blends creativity, ceremony, Expressive Arts and deep nature connection to support others in the discovery and deep understanding of their life path and how the threads of their personal story are interwoven with the big story of our world.
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