Born Again Poet - Constance Miles

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sat Mar 14 06:31:28 PDT 2015

Born Again Poet
I feel like a born again poet viewing
the world with fresh enthusiasm.
Inertia has lifted and my fingers
type with vigor and readiness.
Thoughts deluge the page like a
downpour after a drought and
poems, like spring buds, emerge
with curiosity and longing for
fullness, for expansion. I fantasize
being a word wizard, wearing a sorceror’s
cloak, & pointed hat replete with moon
and stars, depicting whole galaxies
yet to be explored, extending my
arms and, shazam! flowery phrases
shooting out of my fingertips and
dancing on the page. It’s a thought-
stream love affair, a sacred marriage,
and I have been carried over a threshold
from which I may never return.
	- Constance Miles                 

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