Then we will go to Europe - Paul Kingsnorth

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Oct 20 23:54:08 PDT 2015

Then we will go to Europe

Then we will go to Europe, go
to Venice or Berlin, and live like Rilke
in communes of verse and there,
maybe there, we will shake off this disease
which dulls our senses and dulls everything
and spreads like aluminium
and clings like a plastic bag in a high branch, 
like crude to a gannet’s feathers. Or
if not in the cities then in the forests
or in red caves in red deserts
or around the craters of gunungs in the archipelago
or among sandstone towers in the valleys of the West.
Oh ’
I don’t know. Just take me 
somewhere it has not yet reached, somewhere
lonely and still real and let me
stand there and feel nothing 
and lose the fear and, finally,

	- Paul Kingsnorth
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