Before Evil - Doug Stout

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Wed Jul 27 07:15:49 PDT 2016

Before Evil

Before evil
my own goodness shrinks
before self-righteousness
my voice quavers
before those who know an angry God
with contempt for life
I tremble,
before those who hold
in their minds, in their hands
the lives of others
in hostage for their own,
before absolute Right
I am wrong
I am naked
without weapons
except for this determination
not to be defeated, but instead
to affirm the best in us,
to acknowledge our own power
to survive against whatever odds
and to seize the day
for love, for beauty, for humanity,
to make this day and the days following,
not theirs, not made by those who destroy,
but our own. We are the builders.
This day is in our hands.

	- Doug Stout

“Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.”
	- Wendell Berry

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