Ermeo di San Francesco - Clara Rosemarda

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sun May 29 06:18:45 PDT 2016

Ermeo di San Francesco
                        At the Hermitage of St. Francis in Assisi
If he were to speak to me today, he would smile 
slightly, laughing at my concerns about this, about 
that.  He would extend his hand, opened palm, 
inviting me to sit down, to find my spot exactly 
where I am.  If today he were to speak to me, he 
would open his arms to the comforts of life right 
here, on this ground where I stand, the sun baking 
my back, the cool rock supporting me. Without 
words, he would tell me, wherever I am I can lay 
my head, wherever I walk is the place to be.  He 
would point to the sky, the trees, the ground below 
my feet, cup his ear to the birds, the breeze, the 
words that need not be spoken.

	- Clara Rosemarda
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