Grief - Lucille Clifton

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sat Oct 15 23:42:55 PDT 2016

begin with the pain
of the grass
that bore the weight
of adam,
his broken rib mending
into eve,
the original bleeding,
and the lamentation of grass.
from that garden,
through fields of lost
and found, to now, to here,
to grief for the upright
animal, to grief for the
horizontal world.
pause then for the human
animal in its coat
of many colors.
the myth of america.
pause for the myth
of america.
and pause for the girl
with twelve fingers
who never learned to cry enough
for anything that mattered,
not enough for the fear,
not enough for the loss,
not enough for the history,
not enough
for the disregarded planet.
not enough for the grass.
then end in the garden of regret
with time’s bell tolling grief
and pain,
grief for the grass
that is older than adam,
grief for what is born
grief for what is not.
	- Lucille Clifton

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