Black Holes Exist - William Johnson Everett

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Thu Aug 17 07:30:48 PDT 2017

Black Holes Exist

The astrophysicists proclaim
	Black Holes Exist.
I believe them.
Yes, within my mind I see them
	Black against the Black of space.
But now I ask
	What are they?
Are they Everything that looks like
Are they Nothing that is also
Are they the narcissistic ego
	of a cosmic body
	swallowing the praise of every star?
I think I’ve seen them walking on Fifth Avenue
	and preening in their offices
	swallowing the little lights around them
	sucking in their hopes of everlasting fame
	leaving nothing in their wake
	readying their vacuumed contents for a vast explosion
	littering the universe with burning gas
	the trumpet of collapse.

	- William Johnson Everett

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