Happiness - Katherine Hastings

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Fri Dec 8 07:20:52 PST 2017


         after the fires



We’ll find it again


Perhaps not as much

as the dog in Scotland

who wagged his tail so hard


so often

it had to be 



Not that happy.


Okay happy.


After two years in a pound          

he found a home.

It will take at least that long


for some in Sonoma County

and when they do

we’ll wag our behinds


like Buster

though I don’t care what they say

there’s no such thing


as a forever home.


		- Katherine Hastings
Note:  Buster, named “the happiest dog in Scotland” is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier who had to have his tail amputated due to excessive wagging.  Reported in the San Francisco Chronicle on November 13, 2017

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