Alt Right News Feed - Sharon Bard

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Wed Feb 1 07:05:04 PST 2017

Alt Right News Feed

for months now
snuggled under warm covers
getting ready to start the day
I check newsfeeds
on the iPhone

and lately
I’ve discovered a new source
Alternative and Right

I turn off the iPhone
snuggle back in the covers
feel for a source
appearing from somewhere beyond
reassuring me
	you are okay
reminding me
	this too shall pass
encouraging me
	it is okay to not know
	let fear flow through you 
imploring me
	expand your tolerance
	be open
	grow your compassion
	care for the plants
	care for those you love
	who are so distraught

I get out of bed
breath and belly calmer
less toxic almost grateful
a sense of resolve

this news has much to offer 
it feeds me

	- Sharon Bard 

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