What the Storms Say - Patria Brown

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Fri Sep 22 08:37:22 PDT 2017

What the Storms Say

We have arrived. Yet
We are many and gather.
Still yelling at you
To turn, requiring you
To move, demanding
That you help each other.
We are screaming for you
To follow the spiral path
Of transformation. Our
Clouds swirl nine miles
High, we batter you so
You will learn your limits.
We barrel through your
Cities so you find out
You have gone too far.
You have forgotten too
Often how we are all 
interconnected. Now
We remember. We 
Are calling all of life
To acknowledge our
Indivisibility. Your
Souls are bound up
With us, the hurricanes,
The firestorms, and 
The earthquakes.
We vibrate, we dance
In the wild rotations
Of celestial mirth.
Our souls follow
The beat, We are
Intrepid. We are
The spirits of change.
We call on you to
Reconsider your lives,
We are the hurricanes,
Insisting that you hurry, 
Since there is little
Time before you and 
Your circle of interrelated
Species will no longer
Be threatened, You will
Fall. To survive, you must
Keep watch and listen.
You run away to escape
The very thing you have
Created. Understand
This is not possible.
Safety is no where.
Extinction is upon us.
And when you return 
From being with us,
What will you have?
Possessions are nothing.
We do not own one square 
Inch of Mother Earth. She
Owns us, and she is out 
Of patience. Trust not in
Material goods. Instead,
Rely on the wisdom of 
The storms, the tsunami,
The floods, the tornados,
The lightning, the thunder.
See how we turn, We 
Destroy, and we create.
We challenge you with 
Your future, The time
Of the Great Migrations,
Of the Great Turnings,
Of the magical moments
Of mountains, The time
Of epiphany is upon you.
You have not lost everything.
What you have bought, what
You have so carefully counted
Has passed away. What you 
Can hold is each other. What
You can cherish is diversity,
Multiplicity, all the forms
Of life. We order you to stand
Up and take notice. Our
Firestorms tell you to answer 
Your grief with service. What
Service? To love one another,
To care, to give, to help. We
Are one. Something far greater
Than your selves are moving.
Something is being co-created.
You are like toddlers testing
Boundaries. You experience
Limits. All is not about comfort
Nor about your convenience.
Nor is it about what we own
Or what we can buy. All is
About our relationship to
Mother Earth and to and
Amongst her myriad of 
Creatures. There is enough.
There is a way. The way is
Acknowledging suffering
As part of our path to 
Redemption. The way
Of holding each other
And of committing
To the protection of 
Sentient being to live
Together in peace and
In love. So we, the storm
Sprits are showing your
The price of all your lives
Is to recreate your lives. 
You will run for your lives.
You will remember what
You thought your life was.
Then you will know exactly what 
Life is worth. You are hunkered
Down under the storms. Your lives
belong to spirit and praise change.

	- Patria Brown
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