Woman Poem - Aoife Reilly

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Fri Sep 29 03:04:35 PDT 2017

Woman Poem

We shed blood 

without violence

blend matter and spirit 

fuse water and womb

We are Isis

rebirthing the sun 

We are Maeve

reclaiming the  shadow

We are a mother's peace

we hold the mother wound

Our blankets are sewn of prayer

red cotton, sweetgrass, yarrow 

plaited into song

reclaiming the first medicine

We are daughters of swords

fight to the death

for the no that means no,

hold unfettered roots 

through green labyrinths 

to the Supreme 

We breathe stars into you

til the end of  breathing

We hum you to us

form tides steering mystery

Old ways are ours

oak murmuring the first leaves, 

carrying the confluence of all circles 

endings, beginnings

everywhere under your feet

We shape shift across this land  

fire the hearth

travel the wheel

through rusty creaks

in awe of small things

light workers, all beings

the juice that is life

We are

and we are not.

	- Aoife Reilly
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