Messages From The Chair - Carole Watanabe

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sun Aug 12 07:06:29 PDT 2018

Messages From The Chair

What if the dental chair and reaming of roots were Buddhist trainers?
What if the scent of grinding bone spoke to you softly saying you are blessed beyond measure?
 What if the Dylan songs sifting through layers of nitrous 
sparked your truthful and rarely contacted conscious self
 and allowed your total forgiveness of two ancient lovers?

What if a rarefied Wonder Woman
 snatched away your self image of Doubts
 and gifted you with deeper wisdom?

What if that wisdom set you in a new colorful chair
 where acceptance and compassion replace
 the older guides of struggle and striving?

What if Life after the dental chair brought us all to deep knowing
 that no matter what is happening we are living our dreams
 and those dreams wake us up feeling happy and blessed forever?

	- Carole Watanabe

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