Zen Lunatics - Bruce Silverman

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Mon Aug 27 06:41:23 PDT 2018

Zen Lunatics (a term coined by Jack Kerouac)

Even in 1954 Kerouac Jack had the knack of knowing that a spirited Zen

 pack would one day  emerge and finally tear wide open the star-spangled

 puritanical gunnysack that was strangling the American promise. It’s our

 calling through outrageous tacks and random acts to bring down those

 heat-seeking missile epistles that deny all who display any figment of dark

 pigment, a face too tannish or an accent too Spanish.

Yes I’ve had the good fortune to hang with such a gang of jacks, of kings

 with spades, and clubs that transform into talking sticks for Zen lunatics with

bright diamonds  and open hearts, that make an end run around a ten-ton

anchor of the putrid civil rancor and then fly into an end zone far beyond

what’s known . . .  or owned . . .  or cloned . . .  towards a different way, where

there exists a gateway of genius and justice, adorned by crimson roses, a wide

welcoming gateway, that never closes.

	- Bruce Silverman

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