Sacred Wine - Greg Kimura

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Sun Dec 2 07:19:57 PST 2018

Sacred Wine

Sit with the pain in your heart, he said.

Hold it like a sacred wine in a golden cup.

The wine may break you and if it does, let it.

To be human is to be broken,

and only from brokenness can one be healed.

The ancestors say:

the world is full of pain,

and each is allotted a portion.

If you do not carry your share,

then others are forced to carry it for you,

And the suffering you bring

to the world is your sin,

But the suffering you bring

to yourself will be your hell.

Sit with the pain in your heart, he said.

Hold it there like a sacred wine in a golden cup.

      - Greg Kimura

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