Drummers - Bruce Silverman

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at sonic.net
Mon Jun 4 21:54:41 PDT 2018


Unbeknownst to biblical scholars, behind the tree of life in the Garden of Eden, stood drummers. Now bear with this outrageous claim for a moment and consider the notion that 

Drummers draw vertical lines of protection around all who walk the earth and stand upon its spinning firmament, acting as human surrogates for the hands of deities. That

Drummers can’t be understood by critics but require shaman and priests to comprehend the workings of rhythm and sound. That

Drummers, with Orphic metaphor, call the sun to rise and conduct late afternoon shadows toward evening’s obsidian crypts. That

Drummers, with weathered hands dance their dream-drumming riffs on mud, clay pots, tree trunks and goatskins. That

Drummers guide the sacred breathing itself and the coursing of blood through our veins for this sprint of a lifetime. That

Drummers lurk behind trees and spark the cosmic movin’ and 
groovin,’ rockin’ and a reelin,’ injecting sparks into human clay 

so friends and lovers will play and pray, sanctified with the wine 
and bread of Rumba, Jazz, Samba, and Salsa, Flamenco, 

Fandango and the sensuous Tango, reminding us that we swing in 
a universe that pulses, gyrates, beats and palpitates the yearning 

heart with the one vibration: be it final ending or primal start. 

            - Bruce Silverman

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