The Signings - Robert Pinsky

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Sep 11 07:47:41 PDT 2018

The Signings 

Lies can be charismatic, the truth is cloudy,

With its traditional testing place a body.

I cross my heart and hope to die. The breath,

One hand on the book, one raised, exhales the oath.

The bully making a club of the victim’s hand,

“You hit yourself”: Falsehood asserts Command.

Mortgage papers declare and hereby pledge

That money is money. Sign here, page after page.

The President holds up for the camera’s eye

A paper with his signature, two inches high.

Times when he lied or cheated, the Director

Made longhand notes. Now the Director’s an author

On a bookstore tour. He produced his clunky book

Himself. No ghost. In a defensive joke

At signings a writer I know likes to set up

A jar he labels “For Tips”: wry overlap

Of Truth, Marketing and Art. Any collector

Knows to pay less for copies with a signed sticker

Than one with its title page directly signed:

Authentic, true. But on the other hand,

Inscribed to someone’s name is somehow worth less

Than simply Signed, out here in the marketplace —

But why? The blemish of the particular?

Or truth too a commodity? Flailing for air.

	- Robert Pinsky
	(Listen to Pinsky read it himself: <>)

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