Belonging - Sally Singingtree

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Wed Jul 3 07:23:34 PDT 2019


Secrets vibrate in my veins.
Courage of white buffalo woman
joins cousin named Cortez,
No harmony or gold for me,	
just disappointment and blood stains on my hands.

Foremother saber-tooth tiger’s
feral gold eyes say 
Sink your teeth
into what makes you come alive,
Stalk what you love.

A clutch of speckled eggs
waiting in their nest,
as mother finch’s warbling song
calls out to her feathered family 
enfleshed through dinosaur apocalypse,

Our kind at risk
in this uncharted time.
Waters rise.
Fires burn.
Species go away.
Life, death, and resurrection
belong to each other,
pathway of Creation,
primordial, ever-present, 
transformation via traumatic endings.
Part of me in all of it,
complicit in losses,
conspiring to set things right
on the cusp
of everything.

	- Sally Singingtree

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