As Fall Approaches - Lynn Robinson

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Wed Nov 20 07:37:16 PST 2019

As Fall Approaches

As fall approaches. 
The distillation of summer’s sun
Overflows like golden syrup 
Down the mountainside

Insects suck the last sustenance, 
Now turned to molasses
Before inevitable cooling winds interrupt their busyness
And make way for thunder and rain

Colors of autumn burst forth, 
Transition visible to the human eye 
And always, change, the only constant.

As you gaze around
Pay attention!  
Savor these halcyon days
And all those you’re gifted to encounter

Stand still in wonder, 
Notice what stirs within
Welcome the coruscation of your senses

Vibrant life will surely reemerge from death’s compost 
Now pungent with the rotting of summer flora.
Decay’s elemental richness will infuse 
The roots of trees for branches yet to be born

For now, the copper haze of this shortened afternoon
Clutches briefly at the warmth of a sleeveless day
Having lived this long, you know the sudden evening cooling 
Waits to enfold you with promise of darkened months

You are a part of the vicissitudes
One season to the next
Within this very moment,
The persistence of change cries out to be known within you.

	- Lynn Robinson

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