Medea - Kevin Pryne

Larry Robinson Lrobpoet at
Tue Feb 25 06:51:51 PST 2020


       For T. E.

I had always been Rhea in Colchis  

but, at 14, I first spoke my own name

in Circe’s shadow.  A sunlit breeze 

lifted the red curtains in our candled rooms

where the loom ran, healer and deceiver.

Later, ambling along the barren coast

I was a weave of sun and blackness.

Far in the west, the gold flash of a prow. 

And when the oarsmen first saw the far shore

they rose and cheered. A new fury seized them

with courage and the ship of heroes leaped

swiftly through the waves to a drum’s blows.

In the first glow of the goddess’ fires

my eyes were lost in sullen wonder,

my breath came shallow as a grave in sand

and the great vessel entered our small port.

In worlds destroyed

what still shines?

Under shattered patterns 

run ancient lines.

	- Kevin Pryne
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